Let’s understand SegWit and MineBox
Meetup video: After a longer summer break, the Barcelona Bitcoin Community is back with an exciting meetup hosting 2 very distinct but exciting talks. As a matter of fact this event will be somewhat different to what we are…
Financiación de proyectos blockchain: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) y similares
En estos últimos tiempos estamos asistiendo a la llegada de múltiples proyectos que se financian gracias a las llamadas ofertas iniciales de monedas (ICOs, por sus siglas en inglés). Proyectos que antes tenían que pasar necesariamente por el venture capital…
Bitcoin Meetup @ Xing
We welcome you to our next official meetup! The meeting space is generously provided by our friends from Xing-Barcelona. As always, this meetup is free to attend and it is intended to discuss bitcoins, as well as any other digital/crypto…
Barcelona Bitcoin Halving Party
We are happy to invite you to our Barcelona Bitcoin Halving Party!