Bitcoin Lightning Network Hackday Barcelona ⚡
After Berlin, New York City and Munich, Fulmo’s Lightning Hackday comes to Barcelona!
Developers, experts and hackers from all over the world come together to exchange knowledge, to collaborate, and to advance the protocols and applications around Bitcoin’s Lightning Network.
### Please visit https://lightninghackday.fulmo.org/ to register for this event! ###
However, the event is quite inexpensive, or even free for some little proof-of-work. 😉
Target Audience: Makers and builders deeply experienced with Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, or more general developers with a hands-on approach and good apprehension skills.
The Hackday is inspired by the idea of Barcamps and Unconferences. This means: The more you put in, the more you get out! Explore, learn, share, build!
This will be a technical event, so be ready to nerd away! Please get a ticket on https://lightninghackday.fulmo.org/#tickets , and please ONLY respond if you actually plan to participate.
Participants this time include Amir Taaki (Polytech Academy), Randy Brito (LochaMesh), Andrea Raspitzu (Acinq), Thomas Voegtlin (Electrum), Sergi Delgado (PISA Research) and many more.
This event is brought to you by the Barcelona Bitcoin Community and https://www.fulmo.org ⚡
A big thank you to our sponsors for making the #LightningHackdayBCN possible:
– http://fulgur.ventures
– https://www.vaultoro.com/
Subject to changes and additions.
### Please visit https://lightninghackday.fulmo.org/ to register for this event! ###