What’s up with the Lightning Network?
The Lightning Network is an exciting ongoing development for the Bitcoin space. A promising protocol to improve the scalability and speed of Bitcoin, the LN will be presented in this talk by a developer familiar with the technology. The talk will briefly review the Bitcoin protocol and summarize the basic ideas behind the LN, followed by space for questions and a discussion.
Some questions that we’ll attempt to answer:
• What is the Lightning Network?
• How does LN build on top of the Bitcoin protocol?
• Does LN help Bitcoin’s scalability issues?
• Why pursue off-chain scaling?
• What does it mean to run a LN node?
• What is the current status of the LN?
The speaker is Henrik Jonsson, who is following the LN protocol and working on Bitcoin-related tech. Henrik has contributed to Bitcoin Core development, as well as earlier working for financial startups as well as for Google.
• Info about Henrik
• Explainer series by Aaron van Wirdum
• Community site: https://dev.lightning.community/
• LN protocol specifications
• Original LN paper
Language of this meetup (talk and Q&A): English
FabLab – Carrer de Pujades, 102, Barcelona
As always, entrance is free provided you have RSVPed.
May, 30 2018 -> 19.00h – 21.00h
After 21.00h – Beers and more discussion at the Chinese bar on the corner.