2nd Bitcoin Day - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

2nd Bitcoin Day – Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Local currencies, Bitcoin and virtual currencies – Economics, law and politics of the new monetary instruments

Summary of the event and related video:

11:00 – 13:00
Round table discussion: The death of traditional cash?

Welcome and Moderation: Walter García-Fontes –  Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University Pompeu Fabra

Marcel Coderch – Telecommunications Engineer, PhD from MIT. Professor at the UPC and BGSE (Barcelona Graduate School of Economics). He has been a director of Grupo AnayaAuna Retevisión and Techfoundries.

Susana Martín – Economist and contributor to the association New Social Innovation, author of Nothing is lost which proposes alternative to existing monetary arrangements.

Xavier Foz Roca Junyent lawyer and Associate Professor at the UPF.

Carlos Barbero Steinblock  – CEO & co-founder of BTC-Guardian. Member of the Bitcoin community of Barcelona.

Hands on Bitcoin
Thanks to the collaboration of the company ATM Bitcoin Bitcoin Exchange and Investors Trust will be able to practice in a real way with a small amount of euros in Bitcoins, by Miquel J Pavon.

18:30 a 20:00
Building a local currency in Catalonia: The case of Santa Coloma de Gramenet
The European project Digipay 4 Growth (2014-16) proposes the launch of a SantaColoma local currency in order to stimulate the local economy. This roundtable will show the goals and challenges that this project is raising a legal, technological, economic and political level.

Welcome: Angel Lozano, ViceRector  for Research and PhD, UPF.
Moderator: Ester Oliveras, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business of the UPF.

Montserrat Ballarin, Professor, department of Law – UPF Barcelona,  and councilor,  Ayuntamiento de Barcelona.

Jaume Catarineu. CEO Ubiquat.

Luis Muns, Head DGP4G project, Learning-by-Doing.

Speaker to be confirmed, City of Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

You can follow the event in streaming through this web
In social networks we use the hashtag #bitcoinUPF

Follow us on twitter: @BTCBarcelona
or facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barcelona.btc

Admission is free, but registration is required at:

2nd Bitcoin Day – Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016, 11:00 AM

Auditori del campus del Ciutadella de la UPF
Carrer Ramon Trias Fargas 23-25 de Barcelona Barcelona, ES

61 bitcoiners Went

2nd Bitcoin Day – Universitat Pompeu FabraMonedas locales, Bitcoin y monedas virtuales: Economía, derecho y política de los nuevos instrumentos monetariosSi no has podido asistir, sigue el streaming en este enlace:Miércoles 24 de febrero de 2016 (read this meetup in English and Catalan)11:00 – 13:00Mesa redonda y debate: ¿La muerte del efectiv…

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